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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wall Graffiti - jimmymycrushie

Created in Adobe Photoshop. Here is the tutorial: Wall Graffiti Tutorial

My memory is great. I had created this a long time ago but remembered what was written on the wall in the tutorial - Dream  & another word, which helped me in finding the tutorial and linking to it.

If you buy anything from the links mentioned on this blog, I'll get a little commision. To support me, it's not necessary to buy these products, just click on the links and buy anything from Amazon. I get paid through Amazon Gift Cards so it will enable me to buy products like these. Not all Amazon products are shipped to my country but at least books are.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jimmy And Bell

James Anderson and Ian Bell at an urban cricket event.

Urban Cricket: A grassroot project run in conjunction with the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) to get more children into playing cricket.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Does Your Family Need You?

A lot of people spend less time with family for a lot of reasons. One being technology. Technology is enjoyable and can help you learn but only to an extent. You need to take some time off technology to spend more time with family. Another reason is work. Working overtime does not always benefit. What are you doing it all for? Yeah, your kids need it for their education, hobby classes, musical instruments etc. but don't they need your time more than that? It is essential for human mental well-being to talk to people and I'm not talking about talking online. Give them the touch, the hug, smell the flowers, look at the sky, go for a walk, eat chocolate together and laugh on meaningless things. The right way to live is not by spending all your time on technology. You don't want your child to turn 17, leave home and tell you there is no use of staying with you anyway because you are always at work. Or feel guilty about never giving your parents enough time because in your teens you were always on your IPod or computer? People can get a lot closer than they think. Even if your sibling or parent is annoying, eating out or playing with them can still be fun and issues can be resolved usually.

Hopefully, you'll live in a better way from now on,
Best Wishes,

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Love Is In The Air Gold Text Quote Image

Sunday, September 12, 2010

James Anderson Finds Hot Spots

James Anderson finds Hot Spots.

Blogger to Wordpress: A Gloomy Affair

August 22
After reading Daniel Scocco's Make money blogging, I decided that I'd separate England cricket from my views about other things. Daniel has also written about the Wordpress software (not Wordpress.com) which requires your own domain I think. Somehow, I went straight to Wordpress.org instead of Wordpress.com, read lots about the software, what wordpress is and blogging basics and then I felt like I wasted my time, not totally though. It's just that I don't have time to read about things which may not benefit at the moment. Reading all that will not go waste for me as in a few months, I'll probably buy my own domain unless I lose interest in blogging. Articles titled "Blogger vs Wordpress" will tell you that Wordpress is better than Blogger, They'll also tell you that people say Wordpress blogs look more professional, I agree. You must have visited many Wordpress blogs without even knowing that you are visiting a blog. Some of the articles that I read about Blogger vs Wordpress were posted some time back, when Blogger had many faults. When I started blogging, I had trouble with the automatic saver, sometimes I had to write some bits again. But blogger has improved. They have fixed the automatic saver. And I'm told that we couldn't schedule posts in blogger some time before I joined. Now, after having read about it, I know that I can move posts from blogger to Wordpress.com, comments and permalink won't be lost. And my blog on Wordpress.com actually looks like a proper website. So what has me hooked to blogger? Well, if my site looks better and/or more professional, hurrah for the readers but I liked the blogger posting page, Wordpress.com might be too sober for me. Though I may just transfer all the posts to Wordpress.com

and stick with it for my site to look better. I've had 3 templates on my blogger blog, the first was installed in Jan 2009, when I first started blogging. It was changed, probably in mid June and the current theme was installed in July I think. It's up to you whether you believe in an insomniac's memory. I like Wordpress.org. All the information about the software has been given very nicely.  I'll use Wordpress software after a few months. It will take me some time to get used to using Wordpress.com instead of blogger. Why Wordpress is better than blogger is also because blogger is owned by Google and Wordpress is an open source project, it's software is free. Blogger is where I got started, it's what introduced me to blogging so I like it but Google has troubled me sometimes. Sometimes, I can log in on Google Adsense and sometimes I can't. I couldn't log in on Google's Feedburner even after trying quite a few times. And I couldn't log in on Google Analytics. It drives me crazy. Also, I spent hours figuring out how to change my name in the "Followers" of others blogs. I could not change it because I could not login on Google Friend Connect for some days. However, Google has always been my favorite search engine.

I might just decide to have only one blog, that on England cricket and for my views about other things, I may just settle for guest blogging! I want to have a separate blog for England cricket and want my blogs to look better and this is not for money. Though I'll probably earn more if I switch to Wordpress.com, I like my blog on blogger, the way it is so I may use the same template even if I switch to Wordpress.com. I have not yet earned a penny from my blog but I'm not complaining, I have not even displayed ads yet. Wondering why I was logging in on Google Adsense? Well when I had just created my blog, on blogger I saw that I can advertise and I thought that my readers would not mind one or two ads in the sidebar but I was told that my blog should be at least 6 months old. After 6 months had passed, I was not interested in displaying ads or money, for that matter. But a few days ago, I wanted to checkout how much Adsense offers and just couldn't log in.

September 12
Everything is done, I got 2 blogs. Didn't switch to Wordpress. Most of the articles which compare blogger and Wordpress are about Wordpress.com. I didn't switch because to use the Wordpress software, I not only need a custom domain but I also need a server. Either my own server or something like Apache. And I don't like Wordpress.com for a few reasons. One reason is that I like the layout of the posting, settings etc. pages of blogger and I cannot place my own ads on Wordpress.com. I'm saying "my own ads" because the staff of Wordpress.com can place ads on my site and they'll take all the profit. They'll share it 50/50 if my blog has got 25000 pageviews per month. VIP blogs can place their own ads but that's just too expensive - $1,300 for the setup and then $500/month. That's probably for Newspaper blogs. What's bad is that I can't even decide what kinds of ads they display. Some may annoy my visitors. I had decided to switch to Wordpress software directly rather than Wordpress.com but ain't happening now.

My other blog is England Cricket Blog.